Valentines gifts for you


Valentine’s day is a made-up holiday, but I still think it’s a wonderful excuse to celebrate love. Can we celebrate love every day? Hell yes. Is it cool we have a day dedicated to celebrating it? I think so! However, celebrating love doesn’t mean only celebrating romantic love or even partnership. There are so many kinds of love to celebrate and this Valentine’s day, I’m encouraging you to celebrate SELF LOVE!

I’m going to share some ideas on fun gifts you can shower yourself with this Valentine’s Day because WHY THE HELL NOT? No matter your relationship status, use Valentine’s day to remind yourself how much you love YOU and are so grateful for all the beautiful things YOU bring to every situation you encounter. Here are some fun and flirty gifts to gift yourself this year:

A cheeky bar of soap just ‘cuz (also, a great gift for friends!), Lush Eggplant Soap $6.95

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A big shout out to my friend Salwa who turned me on (pun intended ;)) to Dipsea. An app that offers short, sexy stories to listen to while you, um, explore your own body. It’s the perfect porn for women! There’s a 7-day free trial, but I bet you’ll want more after that week is up! Dipsea, 7-day free trial and $50 for a year subscription

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This gift is a little pricey, but who deserves fresh, dewy skin more than you?! Skin Laundry is a laser facial treatment center and their fractional facial will leave your skin looking refreshed, plump and glowy. It’s a big treat to get these, but worth it. Skin Laundry, Fractional Laser Facial $250

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Last, but not least we have a beautiful piece of jewelry. I actually bought this for myself as an early birthday gift for myself and I am SO IN LOVE. The price point is perfect and this design is delicate and dainty— my two favorite things in jewelry. Every time you look at this necklace you can remember how deeply loved you are by YOU. Mejuri, crescent necklace, $70

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I wish you all a beautiful day of love and that you get to celebrate or not celebrate any way you wish. If you’re looking for a great activity to do with a friend or partner there is a Learn How to Massage event at Zalla Pilates on 2/14 6 pm-8 pm. Get all the details here.

Top photo via Pinterest and gift photos taken from the sites listed.