New moon and new adventure

Happy new moon in Virgo! And happy fall Equinox. New moon's are all about new beginnings and equinox's are about transition. It seems incredibly fitting then that I share my new beginning/adventure/transition with you all; Starting on October 14th, I am beginning a 4-5 month back pack adventure through South East Asia! 

I have been wanting to do this trip since I graduated high school but, always found the excuse of I didn't have enough money. Around 29, I had burnt out on NYC and moved home to California to recharge for 6 months. I started planning my trip during that time and three years later, here it is happening! 

I am excited. Hell yes, I am excited. However, I am terrified too. I have built a really good life in New York. I have a good job, a dirt cheap room in a quiet apartment, great friends, etc and walking away from it all seems mildly irresponsible. It feels irresponsible because my fear is around coming back to New York and starting over-- or not being able to and failing. But, I know that boils down to a self limiting belief I've struggled with my whole life and I am not letting it stop me. I feel the fear and I walking forward anyway. 

A very wise woman (Chelsea Chorus) told me, when I shared my fear about this trip with her, that having the fear is good. It's letting me know I am pushing against my boundary and the pushing against my boundary, getting outside of my comfort zone, is what leads to growth. And growth is why we are here friends. So, basically everything your yoga teacher tells you is true. Onward! 

My loose itinerary is as follows-- Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Bali. As of right now, I am planning on two weeks or three weeks in each place until India. I want to do a month in India and a month and half in Bali. I have a general idea of where I'll be but, I'm keeping things open so, I can change as the experience unfolds. I've been researching all the locations like crazy but, I would love any tips or recommendations for must visits. I keep hearing this will be a life changing trip and I am crossing my fingers it will be. 

What new adventures are you planning?